Thursday, September 20, 2012

Is Carisoprodol safe during pregnancy and breast-feeding

All women taking Carisoprodol are standartly advised to seek medical advice if they become pregnant or wish to use the drug while breast-feeding. The reason for the Category C warning is evidence from animal testing. Testing drugs on animals is a necessary precaution before allowing humans to take any substance. Some animals have biology sufficiently close to ours that we can quickly see whether there are likely to be problems. In the case of this drug, there are two sets of findings. The first concerns female animals. There’s clear evidence the drug crosses the placenta barrier and enters the fetus. In smaller animals, this affected the rate at which the fetuses grew and there was an increase in infant mortality. For male animals, there’s some evidence of a reduction in the size of testes and a slight fall in the volume of sperm. In human testing, there’s also clear evidence that Carisoprodol passes into breast milk and so is consumed by your baby.

The allocation of this drug to Category C by the FDA is a value judgement that the benefits of the drug outweigh any possible danger to the human fetus. There are no recorded cases of damage to human male sexual reproduction. So what has the postmarketing reporting shown for women? The answers are fairly encouraging. For example, the Medical Center at Long Beach, CA described a young woman who took a high dose of the drug during pregnancy and while breast-feeding for the first month after birth. Regular blood samples were taken throughout and, despite clear evidence that the active chemicals were present in both the fetus and the baby when born, there were no adverse effects. The baby was born with an average weight, did not experience withdrawal symptoms, and remained healthy during breast-feeding and afterwards. This is one of some sixteen published reports that shows no adverse effects on the child’s development, even when the mother is taking a high dose. Although none of the studies have been long term, there seems to be little risk to either mother or child in taking Carisoprodol during or immediately after pregnancy.

Ask for a doctor's supervision tryig to treat nodular/cystic acne

Our appearance is so much a part of who we are. More than any other animal on this planet, we are visually stimulated and choose our mates accordingly. Unlike any other species on this earth our appearance has deep ramifications on the quality of our lives. Perhaps it is because we feel we can control so much of our appearance. We choose our clothes, our style. Depending on your economic standing you can control the appearance of your body, large breasted, small breasted, a Romanesque proboscis, or a fine point, even abs and tummy tucks. We hire and fire on appearance. Studies have shown that good-looking people earn more for identical jobs as people that are more ordinary to not so handsome earn. What do you do when your own body seems to beat you down?

Nodular acne is not your run of the mill adolescent breakout. It is a deep, often painful breakout of skin lesions, that can leave scars behind. The scares are not just on the skin. Often people who suffer from nodular acne have emotional and social scars as well. Unfortunately, the treatment can be as cruel as the disease.

Isotretinoin is the generic name for Accutane. It is a retinoid. Retinoid drugs resemble vitamin A in structure, and how they affect epithelial skin cells. They also affect cell growth, vision, as well as bone development and the immune system. Isotretinoin is the drug of last resort for sufferers of cystic or nodular acne. Its retinoid properties make it very effective in treating the skins epithelial cells. But the other retinoid affects of the compound make it probably more dangerous to fetus development than thalidomide. Women who choose to use Isotretinoin must also engage in a strict birth control regime or risk having a child with severe birth defects as a result of the drug.

For both male and female, the drug has been linked to ulcerative colitis, a debilitating condition that can leave the individual requiring major surgery to remove the lower bowel. If you are currently using Isotretinoin and are experiencing bloody stools or recurrent diarrhea the you should stop the drug immediately and consult with a physician.

Constant medical supervision can make Accutane an effective treatment for cystic acne, provided the patient follows the doctor’s protocols, and schedules medical follow-ups with the physician.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Athletes can use corticosteroids to relieve pain from sport injures and inflammation

Just because prednisone is a corticosteroid does not mean it is a performance enhancer. In fact, the exact opposite is true. When athletes suffer injuries that cause inflammation, this drug can be administered to reduce the inflammation and help heal the injured area.

Corticosteroid versus Anabolic Steroids

Corticosteroids have absolutely no involvement in muscle growth. Rather, they are used to better regulate responses from the immune system. This type of medication is used to promote healing by eliminating inflammatory reactions in the body. Anabolic steroids are man-made hormones that are intended to promote muscle growth. Athletes use these substances to get an edge over their competitors. Anabolic steroids are prohibited in all organized sports.

Why Athletes Use Corticosteroids

Team physicians and personal doctors may prescribe corticosteroids to treat damage to muscles and joints that occurs after strenuous physical exertion. Depending on the exact injury, the accompanying inflammation can be so severe that doctors are unable to ascertain the extent of the actual injury. Using this medication can alleviate the inflammation so a proper diagnose can be made as well as a treatment plan to heal the injury. Once the inflammation is removed, the area should be able to function better.

Additionally, athletes with severe allergies may be prescribed the drug to manage symptoms during competition. Pollen is especially problematic for athletes who compete in outdoor sports. As long as the ruling athletic regulations permit use of this drug, it can be very beneficial to athletes.

Corticosteroid Use and Organized Sports

Use of this drug is permitted as long as it has not been banned by the sport’s regulatory council. This holds true for professional as well as high school sports. For example, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) permits use of the drug while it is banned at the Olympics. One reason for the ban of such drugs is because their side effects can be very serious. In particular, long-term use of the drug can cause permanent damage. You need to know the rules of your particular sport before using a corticosteroid in any form.

Prednisone shots can help certain sports injuries but should only be administered by a physician. If you want to remain eligible to play sports, it is necessary for you to have a full understanding of your sport’s rules and regulations. There are certain sports that have banned the use of the drug, and you should avoid the drug if your sport has such a ban in place.

Athletes can use corticosteroids to relieve pain from sport injures and inflammation